How to Make Myself Feel Better

by Becky Holliday
How to Make Myself Feel Better Becky Holliday

I’m guessing you might be stuck in a negative thought loop about your life today—hence you asking, How can I make myself feel better?

Maybe you’re even feeling useless? Like you’re never making progress in your life? Like you’re behind? And possibly, worst of all, you feel like everyone else has it figured out and is doing much better than you ever could.

Your energy’s drained and you’re frustrated with yourself. So, you search for any answer you can to make yourself feel better. The good news? You’ve landed in the place. ☺️

I get it. We all have those days where we get stuck in our heads and can’t see anything but the negative things about ourselves and our lives. And, we can’t work out how to get out of this negative thought cycle and make ourselves feel better. 

These two steps will help with that. 

How to Make Myself Feel Better

Know It’s Normal

The first place to start when we feel like this is to know you are NOT broken. 

It’s normal (not that anyone ever admits it!) to get caught up in negative thought patterns when we learn how our brain’s naturally wired. (Learn more here.)

So, rather than get annoyed at ourselves for it, we can begin to feel better by simply knowing it’s a normal part of being human to think and feel these things. And once we’ve acknowledged this, our next best step is to find a simple, low-energy way to make ourselves feel better. 

With that said, there’s one thing I recommend you try. It’s a way to interrupt your negative thought loop and start feeling better about yourself and where you are in your life.

Try This Quick and Simple Tool to Make Yourself Feel Better

When you’re looking for a way to make yourself feel better, try this:

Imagine you’re in 2019…

Then ask yourself what score between 1 and 10 (10 being the best) you’d give each area of your life at the time.

Try these six categories if you’re struggling to come up with your own:

  • Happiness and self-confidence.
  • Mental, emotional and physical health.
  • Relationships.
  • Personal life.
  • Work.
  • Finances/money.

Okay, great work.

You’re now back in 2024. 

Ask yourself what score between 1 and 10 (10 being the best) you give yourself now for each area of your life.

Use the same categories as 2019, such as:

  • Happiness and self-confidence.
  • Mental, emotional and physical health.
  • Relationships.
  • Personal life.
  • Work.
  • Finances/money.

Can you see how far you’ve come?

I’m confident at least one of your scores is higher now than in 2019. And, that’s progress worth celebrating. So, please do! 

Celebrate with a high-five to yourself, a pat on the back, or by saying, “Woo, go me!”. This celebration creates a feel-good emotion and gives you a positive and proud feeling

You see, one of the reasons we can feel low in ourselves and frustrated with our lives is because we can’t see the progress we’re making. Since the progress we make each day isn’t usually visible. But over time, daily progress adds up to something much bigger than we can imagine in each moment. 

Having the wisdom to see the bigger picture and the patience to let your daily progress add up over time…that’s the secret to your happiness and success.

So, please always know you are making progress—even if you can’t see it most days. Your effort matters. Your dedication matters. Most importantly, you matter. So keep going. 

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With love,


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