The Best Thing You Can Do for Your Health

by Becky Holliday

Bombarded with conflicting advice, it’s hard to know the best thing you can do for your health, isn’t it?

So, let’s flip that for now, and start with what isn’t good for your health.

Best Thing You Can Do for Your Health Becky Holliday

The Worst Thing You Can Do for Your Health

These are the worst things for your health:

Deprivation, restriction and guilt…

Which is exactly what I think of whenever I see or hear the word diet. Or when someone tells me they’re starting another one.

And, honestly, it makes me sad. Because it’s what we’ve been told we need to do — to lose weight, be happy, and feel good. And it’s just not true.

The Best Thing You Can Do for Your Health

In today’s blog post, I’m sharing an alternative approach. One I’ve been following for over a decade now, and that never makes me feel guilty, deprived or restricted.

It’s one of the best things I ever decided to do for my health. Makes me feel energised and happy in myself. Plus, it makes being healthy so much easier.

If you’d love the same for you, please keep reading to discover:

  • What every woman needs to know about dieting.
  • The simple mindset shift I made to lose weight for good.
  • 6 ways dieting negatively impacts your health, happiness and confidence.
  • The best way to eat to increase your energy, productivity and success.
  • What I did over a decade ago to improve my mental, emotional and physical health.

The Problem with Dieting

For me, I have to tell you… I’m frustrated with the diet culture we’re surrounded with and how normal it’s become to restrict ourselves. It just seems to me that from such a young age, we’re told dieting is the only way to lose weight, get the body we want, and ultimately, be happy.

And because we’re not taught otherwise, we accept it as a way of life. I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way. To share with you, the best thing you can do for your health instead, and practical ways to try it.

6 Ways Dieting Negatively Impacts Your Health

Dieting is one of the worst things for your health, happiness and confidence.

Here’s why:

  1. Dieting messes with your metabolism — making it difficult for your body to look and feel its best.
  2. It stops your mind from being as good as it can be — reducing your ability to focus, be productive and reach your goals.
  3. It doesn’t help you meet all your nutritional needs, which can cause low mood, fatigue and illness.
  4. It reduces your body’s ability to fight infections, repair, and burn fat.
  5. It negatively impacts your self-esteem because you feel guilty when you can’t stick to the “rules” (no one can btw).
  6. If you’re constantly measuring or counting calories, or obsessing over your food, you can’t possibly feel your best.

That’s why we need to stop denying and restricting ourselves when it comes to food.

We’ve all fallen for the next best diet and quick fix, pushy marketing messages and unhelpful advice. But now you know better, it’s the perfect time to get your health on track, just like you promised yourself you would this year.

Long-term Health and Happiness

With that said, instead of dieting, what if you committed to eating to nourish your mind and body — and give them everything they need to be their best?

What if you ate to give yourself what you need to be healthy, fit and strong? To feel your best — ALL THE TIME. To have more energy, be more productive and boost your happiness.

And, I mean let’s be honest for a minute, when you look back on your life, is dieting what you really want to remember doing? I’m guessing not.

That’s why I replaced the word diet with healthy eating a long time ago.

What might happen if you did the same? What might happen if you replaced the word diet with healthy eating?

This is the simple mindset shift I made over a decade ago to improve my mental, emotional and physical health for good. It also resulted in me losing weight for good.

Healthy Eating

Saying that, I appreciate “healthy eating”, isn’t the clearest advice to help you improve your health and lose weight.

That’s why I’ve dedicated a whole section of my website to helping you eat healthier :). Check it out by clicking here.

You’ll find:

If you’re ready to feel amazing. To be full of energy, confidence and happiness. To be your best self this year, “sort yourself out” and successfully reach your goals. Then, I highly recommend choosing healthy eating over dieting. It’s one of the best things you can do for every aspect of your life.

I know this mindset shift might seem too simple to have such a big impact on your health — and life. But trust me, from experience, it works.

What have you got to lose by giving it a go?

Free Health Guide

Looking for more ways to improve your health? Be sure to download your free Health Guide below — and learn 5 things that’ll transform your health and happiness in 5 minutes a day or less.

Health Coaching

Looking for more personalised support? I can help you eat healthier (and lose weight) for good in just 12 weeks. If you’d like my help, join the waitlist for my 1:1 Personalised Health Coaching by clicking the button below.

Your Turn

Now you’ve learnt diets don’t work, why not make a promise to yourself, to enjoy the rest of this year diet-free?

Instead, focus on the best thing you can do for your health — eating healthier — and see what it does for both your mental and physical health.

With that said, what’s one simple change you can make to eat a little healthier this week? Let me know by sending an email to I love hearing from you.

Here’s to your health — every single bit of it. Because you deserve to FEEL AMAZING — mentally, emotionally and physically.

It’s your time.

Love and encouragement,

Becky x

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