The Surprising Benefits of Stretching Every Woman Needs to Know

by Becky Holliday
benefits of stretching Becky Holliday

Keep thinking you need to add flexibility and stretching exercises to your routine? 

But then wonder how much difference it really makes to your health and fitness?

If so, trust me, when I say it does (I’ve been doing it for years). 

That’s why today, I’m sharing the 5 benefits of stretching every woman needs to know. Plus:

  • The positive impact stretching has on your mind and body — plus your fitness and performance.
  • How stretching immediately reduces anxiety and stress — and replaces them with feelings of calm and peace.
  • Why stretching makes you look and feel better.
  • How stretching improves your life and slows down ageing.
  • Why stretching is the best way to wake up and boost your energy

If you’ve been considering making stretching part of your morning routine — but haven’t yet, because of everything else you need to get done — then keep reading to learn how stretching for 5 minutes could be one of the most productive things you do all day.

The 5 Benefits of Stretching

#1 Improves Your Flexibility & Performance

Stretching regularly increases your flexibility — how much you can move your joints and muscles through their full range of motion — helping you move freely in your everyday life when you’re walking, lifting, turning, reaching etc.

Plus, the ability to fully extend and rotate your body as designed, increases your exercise performance — whether you’re doing a HIIT class, lifting weights, running or hill walking.

Stretching also reduces muscle soreness and time to recover from workouts by increasing blood flow to your muscles — giving them more oxygen and nutrients, and removing waste products. 

#2 Reduces Injuries & Back Pain

Tight muscles and limited flexibility, increase your risk of getting hurt. So, when you stretch regularly — easing muscle tension and improving your range of motion — it helps prevent injuries and strains. 

Tight muscles, particularly hamstrings and hips, also cause back pain, because they put strain on your spinal muscles. However, research shows just 12 weeks of stretching can relieve this back pain, heal existing injuries, and prevent future problems. 

#3 Boosts Your Energy & Motivation

One reason we often lack energy is not moving our bodies enough during the day — especially if we work at a desk.

So…stretch to wake up your mind and body! You’ll get an instant energy and motivation boost, thanks to increased blood flow, nutrients and oxygen to every cell in your body, improved circulation, and a release of endorphins — your body’s “feel good” chemicals.

Plus, it’s something you can do anywhere any time — standing up or sitting down!

#4 Instantly Makes You Feel Better 

Slowing down for a minute or two, to stretch, creates feelings of calm and relaxation. Activating your parasympathetic nervous system (your body’s rest and digest response) — which immediately reduces anxiety and stress, recharges and heals your body, lifts your mood and makes you feel lighter, improves your digestion and gut, and even reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Stretching also acts as a mental break — taking your mind off negative or overwhelming thoughts — and your never-ending to-do list. It can also ease any stress-related aches and pains — including tension headaches.

#5 Makes You Look Better

Muscle tightness negatively impacts your body’s alignment and how you hold yourself. So, stretching regularly to release muscle tension, not only improves your posture, but also how you move your body in everyday life and during exercising.

Stretching also slows the ageing process by reducing muscle stiffness, increasing flexibility and mobility, improving blood flow and circulation, and supporting your ability to maintain an active lifestyle.

The Simplest Thing to Do Right Now to Feel Better

Few 5-minute activities make me feel as good as stretching — especially if I’ve not moved my body for a while. 

I stretch for 5 to 10 minutes every morning after getting up — I do different stretches depending on how my body feels and what it needs. And when the weather’s good I even do it outside to get some fresh air and connect with nature. 

Practising it consistently allows me to see and feel the positive benefits on my flexibility and form. Plus wakes me up, grounds me, makes me feel good, and is one of the easiest things I do for my health and wellbeing every day. 

My recommendation for you is to try 5 to 10 minutes a day of stretching too — holding each stretch for 30 seconds or so — and simply noticing how you feel after doing it daily for a week.

It doesn’t matter when you do it either. The best time and place is the one that helps you be consistent — whether in the kitchen first thing, when watching Netflix at night, or taking a break at work during the day.

Try it for a week or two, and see how good it makes you feel.


Want to learn 5 more ways to improve your health and happiness in 5 minutes a day? Download your FREE 5-step health guide below now.


Want more support, encouragement and motivation? Check out my 1:1 Health Coaching. It’s a 12-week experience to help you be happier and healthier, reach your health goals and most importantly feel your best every day. Join the waiting list here to be first to know when a spot opens.

Now it’s over to you. Is it time to make stretching part of your routine? Just 5 minutes a day will make you feel better physically and mentally — so give it a go now and feel the benefits immediately. Because you deserve to feel your best — you really do.

With love and encouragement,

Becky x

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