How To Be More Positive

by Becky Holliday
How to be more positive Becky Holliday

Wish you knew how to be more positive? 

I’ve had to pull myself out of a few negative thought spirals lately.

You know the ones: “I hate photos of me, I’m so unhappy with how I look, why is everything so difficult, I can’t do this, why can’t I just feel better, it must be me, I never do what I say I will, I’ve got so much to do, I feel so overwhelmed again, why do I always get stuck in my head…”

Luckily, I train my brain daily to be more positive, so these days I can get myself unstuck and out of negative self-talk quite quickly. With that said though, it always reminds me of the impact a negative mindset has on us — and how heavy and draining everything feels.

In fact, without anything else in your life changing doesn’t a positive or negative mindset instantly change how you feel about yourself, your life, and even how you look?

This reminder — and a conversation with an amazing woman I’ve been coaching who shared with me the transformative impact being more positive is making in her life — inspired me to create this blog post for you today.

Make it Happen

It’s impossible to live a happy and healthy life with a negative mind. And, even though we all get caught up in negative overthinking, the difference maker is deciding you’ll become more positive. Then learning how to be more positive, and most importantly, taking action

So, now you’ve decided to be more positive, l’m sharing with you exactly how to change.

Keep reading to learn:

  • How to literally rewire your brain to be more positive.
  • The 4-minute tool you need to stop negative thoughts.
  • 3 powerful questions that’ll make you more positive (even on tough days).

Answering just one of these surprisingly simple questions every day has the power to transform your mindset so you can finally feel better and be the best version of you.

How to Train Your Brain to Be More Positive

Like anything you want in your life, learning to be more positive is a skill you can train yourself to get.

In fact, all it takes is 4 minutes of daily focus and consistency.

The best part? I recommend treating yourself to a new notebook as your first step :).

Why? Because you’re going to train yourself to be more positive by answering 3 powerful questions (keep reading to learn what they are). And over time, rewire the neurological pathways in your brain to automatically see and think more positively.

Your next step is deciding when and where you’ll do this for 4 minutes every day. To remind you to do it — and double your chances of actually sticking to it — create a daily alarm on your phone.

And, when your new notebook arrives, use it to capture your answers to the powerful questions below. 

3 Powerful Questions That’ll Make You Positive

Repeat these questions daily and you’ll feel the benefit in just 2 to 8 weeks:

  1. What are you grateful for today?
  2. What’s gone well today? 
  3. What do you appreciate about yourself (mind, body, personality etc) today?

Choose one question a day and list 3 answers.

At first, it’ll feel strange (like anything new) thinking about what to write — and you’ll wonder if you’re putting the right things.

But, in a week or so, I promise it’ll start to feel more natural. And remember, this is for your eyes only — so, write down whatever comes to mind. There’s no right or wrong answer.

For me, putting myself first and investing in my health every day, sets me up for success and happiness in all areas of life. And, I know from working with other women, it’ll create the positive change you’re looking for too.

Now it’s over to you. Bookmark this post so you can easily find these Qs in future. Then decide when and where you’ll train your brain for 4 minutes each day to be more positive.


Want to learn 15 more ways to be happier, healthier and more positive? Get your FREE 5-Step Health Guide below.

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    If you’d like more of my help to stop negative thoughts and overthinking — so you can finally be happy, healthy and positive — join my 1:1 Health Coaching waitlist now. And you’ll be first to know when a spot becomes available (places are limited).


    Sending love and positivity your way,

    Becky x

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