“How Can I Become More Disciplined” — the #1 Secret You Need To Know

by Becky Holliday
How to Become Disciplined Becky Holliday

Do you wish you knew how to be more disciplined? 

What if I told you it’s not as hard as you think?

Would you believe me?

I used to think it was really hard to become more disciplined and motivated. Then I learnt the secret I’m about to share with you.

So, keep reading to discover:

  • Why “That Cool Girl” isn’t more disciplined than you.
  • The secret to being the best version of you — plus always doing what you say you will.
  • Why you don’t need more motivation, energy or willpower.
  • How to become more disciplined by doing less, not more (yes, really!).
  • 6 simple steps to be more disciplined.

“That Girl’s” Secret

You know when you compare yourself to “That Girl” and wish you knew how to become more disciplined like her? 

Me too. You’re not alone. We all wish this at times.

That’s why I’m sharing her secret — so you can have what she has. And learn to be the best version of YOU.

To Become More Disciplined You Need to Do Less

When you think about being more disciplined, do you always try to do more? More meal prep, more watching what you eat, more running, more Bodypump, more things on your to-do list.

Contrary to popular belief, the secret to being more disciplined is about doing less — not more.

This is her secret by the way — DO LESS.

Paradoxically, this means being more disciplined is NOT about needing MORE:

  • Energy
  • Motivation
  • Willpower

And it’s certainly NOT about doing MORE:

  • Things on your to-do list
  • Meal prep
  • Running

Yes, really.

The Secret 

Believe it or not, the secret to learning how to become more disciplined is:

Put another way, the secret to becoming more disciplined is to create easy 5-minute habits you want to do every day. 

She Isn’t More Disciplined Than You

This is a secret “That Girl” doesn’t want you to know.

Because she isn’t being more disciplined than you. She’s just put effort into building healthy habits into her life — small simple habits that have built up over time and make her look disciplined now. 

You can do the same.

You can build 5-minute habits into your life — to make you look and feel in control too. 

How to Become Disciplined Habit Quote Becky Holliday

How to Become Disciplined With Small Habits

Before we dive into creating habits, I want us to get on the same page about what one is.

Put simply, a habit is an action you repeat often and automatically — so it takes little to no energy to do.

The Positive Impact of Habits On Your Life

Healthy habits repeated regularly, set you up for a healthy and happy future. 

Not surprisingly, unhealthy habits do the opposite. 

This is hard to appreciate when you’re doing them in the moment because the effects aren’t immediate. So, try this:

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a year. 

How would you look and feel if you decided right now to introduce just ONE healthy habit into your daily routine? 

What if you stopped adding sugar to your lattes? 

You’d reduce your calories by 15,000 a year if you currently have 3 teaspoons a day. Even better — you’d have fewer blood sugar spikes — reducing sugar cravings, energy slumps and overeating. 

Or, what if you swapped your daily almond croissant for brown toast and peanut butter?

You’d reduce your calories by 73,000 a year. Even better — the fibre from brown bread would fill you more and prevent overeating. The peanut butter, thanks to its healthy protein and fats, would improve your skin, keep you fuller for longer, and give you energy for longer.

Creating a Habit

When you want to create a new habit, science shows the best technique is to start extremely small.

In other words, small habits are how you do the things you want to do. And, most importantly, stick to them long-term.

Here’s what a small habit is:

  • Unbelievably easy and doesn’t require motivation.
  • Something you can do in 5 minutes or less. 
  • An action you’re happy to do at least 5 days a week.
  • Something you know you can do no matter what — no matter how you feel, how busy you are, or what happens in your day.

Small Habits That’ll Help You Become More Disciplined

Here’s some small healthy habits that’ll help you become more disciplined:

  • Greek yoghurt and berries for breakfast.
  • Drinking a glass of water before each meal. 
  • Adding a portion of veg to your supper every night.
  • Stretching for 2 minutes every morning.
  • Going on a 5-minute walk after your lunch.
  • 10 minutes of Body Balance each day.
  • Writing down 1 thing you’re grateful for each day.
  • Meditating for 3 minutes before getting ready each day.

6 Simple Steps To Become More Disciplined

Now you know the secret to becoming more disciplined and motivated. It’s now your turn!

So, grab a coffee, your notebook and pen, and follow the 6 simple steps below:

  1. Write down 5 to 10 things you can do daily to improve your health.
  2. Cross out anything that’ll take more than 5 minutes to do.
  3. From the list you have left, highlight the 3 easiest things you can do.
  4. Choose 1 thing you’ll enjoy the most. 
  5. Commit to doing this 1 thing each day until it becomes automatic (usually somewhere between 7 to 30 days).
  6. REPEAT.

Trust Me On This

I can imagine right now that you’re thinking, “But I can’t just do one thing — it won’t make a difference.”

But please trust me on this.

Small habits repeated often will give you the healthy lifestyle you dream of (over time) — with minimal effort and discipline. 

My Aha Moment

The long-term benefits of small healthy habits are why healthy women build them into their day.

And, when I realised this was their secret, I had my “aha” moment:

It wasn’t the sugary dessert I couldn’t give up at the weekends that’d impact my health the most. It was the chocolate bar I had daily with my 3 pm cupper. 

It wasn’t the gym class I did once or twice a week (less if I didn’t feel like it) that’d help me lose the most weight. It was the 20-minute walk I knew I could commit to every lunchtime. 

It was the things I was (or wasn’t) doing every day that would have the biggest impact on my health, happiness and confidence over the course of the next year and decade.

Small and Steady

So, please remember this:

Small and steady is backed by science.

Small and steady always wins the race because you’ll stick to what you say you’ll do.

Small and steady works over the long term and makes you feel good because you’ll always do what you say you will.

Small and steady doesn’t require discipline (yay!) and will help you become the person you want to be. 

Small and steady is THE secret of “That Girl”.

So, please give it a go and see what happens.

Imagine Yourself 6 Months From Now 

To help encourage you to try the 6 simple steps above, I’m going to ask you to imagine two different scenarios.

Firstly, imagine who you’ll be in 6 months if you DON’T follow the 6 simple steps above.

Second, imagine who you’ll be in 6 months if you follow the 6 simple steps. 

In 6 months do you want to be on your way to becoming the person you know you can be? Or, the same person you are now, still wishing you could become more disciplined?

Who do you want to be? Which will you regret?

More Small Habits Inspiration

If you’re looking for more 5-minute habits to transform your life, be sure to download my free health guide below.

Just enter your name and email to instantly learn 5 more ways to become disciplined in 5 minutes a day or less.

I know you want to be the best version of yourself. And I know you can become her. I believe in you.

With love and encouragement,

Becky x

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