3 Really Simple & Inexpensive Health Habits to Start Your Day

by Becky Holliday
Health Habits to Start Your Day Blog Post Image Becky Holliday

Looking for health habits to start your day?

Let’s keep it simple, should we?

Because most people overcomplicate it.

They suggest 17 new habits, including a 5 am alarm you snooze when it goes off. Right?

I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be so hard. And you don’t need to try 17 new things at once to feel and look better. In fact, when you try more than one new thing at once, it’s guaranteed you’ll give up after just a few days.

So, if that’s been you up until now, it’s not your fault. You just need a new approach.

That’s why, in today’s post, I’m sharing 3 easy and inexpensive health habits to start your day. Plus:

  • How to actually do them every morning (and stop giving up after a few days).
  • The secret that guarantees you’ll stick to your new healthy habits.
  • 18 mental and physical health benefits — including a boost in energy and mood.

Don’t let the simplicity of them fool you, either. Trust me, if you do just ONE of them for ONE week, you’ll notice a difference in how you feel. Plus, more importantly, you’ll prove to yourself you can do what you say you will.

The secret to these habits? They take 4 minutes or less. Which practically guarantees you’ll stick to them.

Choosing ONE new habit that takes less than 5 minutes to do, is the secret to actually doing these habits every morning.

And when you do what you say you will (and I know you can even if you don’t think you can), you stay motivated because you stop getting frustrated at yourself.

The 3 Easiest Health Habits to Start Your Day

These are 3 of the best health habits to start your day so you can look and feel your best — and stop that feeling of overwhelm.

#1 — Drink a Glass of Water When You Get Up

First thing every morning, drink a glass of water to:

  • Wake you up.
  • Give you an energy boost — plus kick-start your mind and body.
  • Detox your body and flush out toxins after working hard to repair and heal overnight.
  • Rehydrate your mind and body (you lose a lot of water during sleep).
  • Kick-start your metabolism and digestion.
  • Reduce puffiness and keep your skin clear and glowing.

I fill my glass before bed and put it on my kitchen worktop as a visual reminder to drink it as soon as I wake. It’s also easier to drink — and for your body to absorb — at room temperature.

#2 Have a Healthy Breakfast

Give yourself 4-minutes to have a healthy breakfast to:

  • Boost your energy and mood.
  • Give your mind and body everything they need to function at their best.
  • Give your metabolism and digestion a natural and healthy kick-start.
  • Help stop overeating later in the day.

A healthy breakfast doesn’t need to be complicated or time-consuming.

If you already have cereal, just ensure it’s wholegrain (e.g. Wheatabix or bran flakes) and add some Greek yoghurt and berries. Or, if you enjoy a croissant, simply swap it for brown toast with peanut butter and sliced banana.

If you don’t eat breakfast right now, a few spoonfuls of Greek yoghurt with a handful of berries or sliced banana is great. Or, try something you can prepare the night before like overnight oats –> click here for my favourite quick and easy 3 ingredient recipe.

#3 — Eat Breakfast Without Distractions 

Give yourself the gift of eating your breakfast in peace.

I mean, just think about it, when was the last time you had breakfast without your phone, TV or email? Have you ever? No judgment here, I know how easy it is to do.

But when you do eat distraction-free, just know, you’ll feel better, calmer and more in control. Your gut and digestion will thank you for it too.

To help you remember to do this habit, create a reminder — on a sticky note or your phone — you’ll see every morning before breakfast.

Then choose to eat your breakfast without doing anything else — it’ll feel a little strange at first, but give it a few days and watch how it becomes much more natural.

Here’s some of the surprising benefits — you’ll:

  • Enjoy your food more. 
  • Feel more satisfied after eating.
  • Improve your hunger and fullness cues.
  • Reduce overeating — as you start to notice when you’re satisfied rather than “stuffed”. 
  • Make wiser and healthier food choices — as you become more mindful.
  • Better control your appetite — and reduce emotional eating.
  • You’ll lose weight and be better at maintaining your ideal weight.

Which Healthy Habit Will You Try First?

There you have it — 3 simple and inexpensive health habits to start your day. Which one will you try first?

Be sure just to try ONE for now, as I said, this is the secret to doing what you say you will — and no longer feeling guilty for always “starting again next week”.

Want More Health Habits to Start Your Day?

If you want 15 more simple and easy 5-minute health habits, download your Free Health Guide below. Just enter your name and email now to get instant access.

Want More Help to Create Healthy Habits?

If you like the idea of creating and building simple habits into your day to improve your health and happiness, you’ll love my 1:1 personalised health coaching.

It’ll help you:

  • Create simple healthy morning and evening habits you love. 
  • Stop cravings, binge eating and emotional stress eating. 
  • Learn how to lose weight for good, stop dieting and never look back.
  • Feel confident and strong mentally, physically and emotionally so you can finally look and feel good inside and out.
  • Stay on track with — and stick to — your health goals. 
  • Learn how to put yourself first and make time for yourself every week.

Learn more here — and join the waitlist now (places are limited — I currently work with 3 women at a time so I can give you the best most personalised experience).

If you’re anything like me, you know deep down being healthy and happy shouldn’t have to feel so hard. 

And these health habits prove it — don’t you think? Let me know by emailing me at becky@beckyholliday.com.

With love,

Becky x 

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