How to Lose the Weight You’ve Put on in 2 Really Simple Steps

by Becky Holliday
How To Lose The Weight Becky Holliday

Is this the year you told yourself you’d lose the weight you’ve put on? If so, this is the blog post for you. 


Never having to be “good” from Monday again.

Having a healthy lifestyle you enjoy.

Finally reaching and sticking to your health goals by following 2 simple steps.

Let’s Stop Dieting    

This 2 step weight loss approach isn’t another quick fix either.

And it’s definitely not another diet. 

Because quick fixes and diets don’t work (which you know deep down).

They don’t work because there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to losing weight and reaching your health goals. Because you’re wonderfully unique and so is your body.

In fact, dieting is damaging both mentally and physically and keeps you in a cycle of shame, guilt and deprivation. And, trying to keep up with a restrictive diet and exercise plan not personalised to you is not only unsustainable but also unhealthy.

So, before you try another eating plan, or being “good” again, why not try these 2 simple steps instead?

How to Lose the Weight You’ve Put on


List All the Small Things You Could Do to Reach Your Health Goals

To help you think about everything you could do to lose weight, grab a notebook and pen and write down whatever comes to mind.

You’re not going to do all these things, you just need a list of things to choose from. 

Think about your eating habits, and where you could eat slightly healthier. Could you:

  • Add fruit to your breakfast.
  • Swap white bread for brown.
  • Ensure you veg with supper each night.

Think about your exercise habits, and where you could move your body more. Could you:

  • Park further away from Aldi to get a few more steps.
  • Go on a 10-minute walk after lunch. 
  • Do 5 minutes of stretching each morning.

Make It Super Easy for Yourself

You’re aiming for things that’ll take 5 to 10 minutes or less to do — so you know you can do them no matter what. No matter how you feel. No matter how your day has been. No matter how motivated you are. 

If anything on your list would take longer than 10 minutes to do, make it smaller. 

For example, turn “always make a healthy supper”, into “replace shop-bought chips with homemade chips I can prepare in 10 minutes”?

Also, make sure everything is a clear and specific action. Something you can tick off — because who doesn’t love to cross things off their to-do list?!

For example, turn “eat a healthier breakfast” into “have Greek yoghurt with berries for breakfast.” 

Need Some Ideas? Check Out These Blog Posts:


Choose One Small Thing From Your List and Do It 6 Days a Week for a Fortnight

Now you’ve got your list of small actions, choose ONE you’re happy to do 6 days a week for the next 2 weeks.

Choose one that feels easy and will take 10 minutes or less to do.

Ensure it’s an action you’re motivated to do right now and that doesn’t feel restrictive.

Can You Do It Everyday No Matter What

Ask yourself if it’s something you can do 6 days a week no matter what. 

No matter how you feel. No matter how your day has been. No matter how motivated you are. 

If any part of you is unsure, you have two choices:

You could break it down into a smaller action. For example, turn, “Go for a 10-minute walk after lunch” into “Go outside for 2 minutes after lunch.”

Alternatively, you could choose another action from your list.

What’s Your Confidence Level?

What you’re looking for is a confidence score of 9 or 10.

So, when you’ve chosen your small action, ask yourself this: “On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident am I that I could do this every day no matter what?”

If your answer isn’t a 9 or 10, choose a different action, or make the action you’ve chosen smaller and easier. 

A New Thing Every 2 Weeks

Once you’ve done your first small action for 2 weeks, pick another to add in.

Then, every 2 weeks, continue adding another habit from your list. 

Over time, these small habits will build up, and without dieting, deprivation or guilt, you’ll lose the weight you want and reach your health goals.

Try It for 12 Weeks and See What Happens

If you follow these 2 simple steps for just 12 weeks, you’ll have 6 new healthy habits and be well on the way to transforming your health and losing weight for good.

More importantly, you’ll finally feel confident, happy and at peace with yourself.

Create Small Sustainable Habits

These 2 simple steps work because long-term weight loss — and true health, happiness and wellness — come from developing small, sustainable habits. 

Simple, enjoyable rituals that work for you and your unique body, mind and lifestyle.

Increase Your Chances of Losing Weight By 40%

To increase your chances of sticking to your new habits by 40%, be sure to do ONE thing at a time AND write it down. 

To help you do this, I created a Free Healthy Habits Tracker for you. 

Simply enter your name and email below to download it instantly.

Increase Your Chances of Losing Weight By 95%

I appreciate this is all easier said than done, but I’m also sure it’s simpler than anything you’ve tried on your health journey so far.

Also, you don’t have to do it alone. In fact, you can increase your chances of success by 95% if you work with someone else

In other words, you’re practically guaranteed to reach your goals if you work with a friend, coach or mentor. 

So, ask a friend to join you in transforming your health.

Or, if you’d like personalised help, encouragement and support from me, click here to join the waitlist for my 1:1 Health Coaching — where you’ll learn how to reach your health goals in just 12 weeks. 


Become the Person You Want to Be

Taking a gradual approach to losing weight is the secret to achieving your health goals over the long term and becoming the person you want to be. 

And, I guarantee, once you create your own healthy habits, you’ll never look back.

You’ve got this.

With love,

Becky x

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