The 5 Things YOU NEED to Do to Be Successful

by Becky Holliday
Productive Working From Home

Ever wonder what it takes to be successful and productive—especially working from home? 

No one spills their secrets, do they? That’s why I’m sharing the five things I do to have a successful day.

I’ve been WFH for years. And even though I love it, I’ll be honest, I’ve really struggled some days. But now I do these five things consistently, I’m much more productive, happier and on top of things.

So, what exactly must you do to ensure WFH is a roaring success for you?

Keep reading to discover:

  • A surprisingly simple way to feel your best every day
  • How to combine the best success ritual with your love of coffee
  • The one thing you MUST stop doing right now
  • How to finish your important work first (& before anyone else)
  • How to stop your day-sucking—it’s not what you think

The 5 Things I Do to Be Successful Working From Home

These five things can save you so much time, self-doubt and stress. So, let’s dive in.

(1) The first thing I do is ensure I get ready for my day. Because it makes me feel my best. And honestly, I don’t feel like me if I don’t.

WFH gives me an easy excuse to put less effort into getting ready, wear my comfiest clothes, and work from the sofa. But the cons outweigh the pros. 

For me, I need to get ready for my day. With a shower, a little make-up and some clothes that make me feel good. Oh, and I need to start my day at a table! These things make me feel ready for work—and ensure my brain is too.

(2) The next thing I do is start my day with coffee. I LOVE coffee. So, I have one every morning as I take 10 minutes to plan my day.

Why? Because coffee tells me, “It’s the start of your day.” And planning shows me how I’ll make the most of it.

I’ve got a lot to say about this. Because when I don’t plan, it’s a recipe for feeling behind, stressed and unhappy with myself. So, if you ever want to learn much more about achieving your goals and planning—and want my help creating a life you love—consider joining my one-of-a-kind, Happy, Confident and Successful Program. You can join here.

(3) The third thing I do is resist checking emails when I start work. If I don’t, I end up focusing on other people’s projects first—leaving me with little time for my own. So, I now only check my email after I’ve done my #1 task for the day.

This ensures I stay on top of my projects and goals. Because I know they’re as important as everyone else’s—just like yours are.

And yes, doing the opposite of social norms for email has felt uncomfortable. But, overtime I’ve learnt to be brave and ignore Society’s email ‘rule’. So I can be the best at delivering my projects and feel more in control of my time.

(4) The fourth thing I do is create focus blocks—chunks of uninterrupted time—to get my most important projects delivered. I set a timer for 45 minutes and work on my #1 goal—no distractions. No calls, notifications or messages.

Then I take a 10 to 15-minute break. And, since I sit most of my day, I try to move my body. I ‘read and walk’ around my house, do some cleaning (this one saves me time at the weekend!) or have a dance party. In fact, I wrote an entire blog post on this and moving your body to boost your energy and improve your productivity. You can check it out here

The hardest bit? Taking a break. But skipping it is never worth it. I lose my focus and energy. And even start making silly mistakes. I’m not the only one—science says it happens to all of us when we don’t take breaks.

(5) The fifth thing I do is have a daily call that doesn’t just focus on work stuff. Why? Because, when we WFH, we miss out on those impromptu chats we’d have in person. The ones at our desks, in the cafe, and before a meeting.

When I decided to be proactive about this, I was nervous. But I challenged myself anyway. And it’s been so worth it. I message people I know well and not so well to ask if they fancy a catch-up. And when it feels right, I suggest setting up a regular call—once or twice a month.

And you know what? No one has ever said no 🙂. More importantly, after every chat, I feel energised, happier, more productive and more engaged in my work.

There’s so much more we could talk about to be successful—especially working from home—but these five things help me the most. So, I wanted to share them with you today, as I’m sure they’ll help you.

Now it’s over to you. 

Grab your notebook and write one thing you can do to be more successful and productive working from home.

What’s stopping you from ending your days with the sweet smell of success?

Do you need to spend some time getting ready for your day? Start your morning with a coffee and a plan? Or, stop looking at your email first? 

Whatever it is, changing your habits, behaviour, and mindset can be hard work. But you don’t have to do it alone—and if you want my help, join my School for Real Life. Click here to learn more. 

Looking for more? Want to be happier and healthier in 5 minutes a day or less? Don’t miss out on your FREE guide. Enter your name and email below to get instant access. 

If you liked this post and want to hear more on this topic or anything else, let me know at 

Thank you so much for reading, and remember YOU matter. You are more than enough. And you can become the person you want to be.

With love,


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