Unbelievably Powerful 3 Part Series on Setting a Goal

by Becky Holliday
Setting a Goal Becky Holliday

Get what you want with this simple yet genius advice on setting a goal. (Part 1 of 3 Part Series)

So…not long ago (I was waaaaaaaaay into my late 20s in fact), I learnt something that changed everything. It was…

So simple. So obvious. So powerful. 

Yet no one had thought to tell me about it.

Wanna know what it was? 

When you’re setting a goal write it down

Why is this simple tip so powerful?

Because when you put your dreams to paper, it forces you to get specific and clear on what you want—it makes you clarify your dreams and wishes into something concrete.  

For example, rather than having a vague idea or thought roaming around your head, about one day buying a house or losing weight. Writing down your goal ensures you define it in a way that makes it real and tangible. So you can “see” your goal in such a way you know it can become a reality.  

Your vague thought of maybe buying a house someday becomes, “I will save money every month for the next 3 years to ensure I have a deposit for a house”.

Losing weight might become, “I will lose weight this year by walking every day and eating a healthier breakfast.”

In addition to the clarity writing down your goals gives you, using “I will”, adds even more power to setting a goal. Much more power than statements like “I would like to” or “I might”. 

“I will” statements like this also tap into your sense of self-belief, which research proves increases your motivation and action. 

When you’re setting a goal, look at it daily. 

Why is this simple tip so powerful?

Looking at your goal every day—reminding yourself of it regularly—ensures you keep what’s most important to you at the top of your mind. So, you don’t forget what it is you truly want. Or, maybe worse, get distracted from it, by everything else going on in your busy life. 

It also tells your beautiful brain, without any doubt, that this thing’s important to you. And it reminds your brain daily.

And what’s cool about this simple tip too, is it significantly increases your chances of getting what you want. 

How, you ask? Well, it activates your reticular activating system—your RAS for short (and to help you remember it!). 

Your RAS is effectively a filtering system in your brain that only lets in the most important information from all the billions of data bombarding you.

In other words, our brains constantly scan our environment, deciding which information is important, and should be let into our minds, and which information isn’t so it can be ignored. 

This is why you notice everyone driving the same car as you when you get a new car! Or, see that healthy food everywhere you go, after your friend tells you it changed her life.

Ever driven to work but didn’t remember much of the journey? That’s your RAS—or your attention filtering system—deciding not to register that information because it doesn’t see it as important.

So, when you tell yourself exactly what you want, your RAS goes to work for you. It scans your environment for anything to help you achieve your goal. Any opportunities, information, people, books, skills, ideas, knowledge etc. related to what you’ve decided is an important goal to you. 

So, when you write down your goals and look at them daily, your RAS starts creatively processing information and ideas and ensures you pay attention to what you need to see, know, do and change to achieve it.

How to nearly double your chance of success when setting a goal

To summarise, here are three simple steps to double your chances of success when setting a goal:

(1) Decide what you want.

(2) Write your goal down.

(3) Remind yourself of your goal every day.

It’s easy to dismiss this as too simple, right? Too easy? 

Please don’t. 

It works. It’s worked for me. So, I know it’ll work for you. 

And it’s backed by scientific research. Which has proven you’re 40% more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down.

I like those odds, don’t you? Especially from something as simple, quick and easy as writing down your goal and then looking at it each day as you work to achieve it. 

I personally think we make many things more complicated than they need to be. But at least now you know that setting a goal doesn’t need to be one of them 😉 .

It’s time to increase your odds of success. What’s most important to you right now? What dream or goal do you have? Jot it down. Then put it somewhere you’ll see it every single day.

Love this blog post? This is part 1 of a 3-part series. Don’t miss part 2 here. And part 3 here.

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