“How to Make Myself Feel Good” This is the Secret Tool You Need

by Becky Holliday
How To Make Myself Feel Good Becky Holliday

Do you often ask, “How do I make myself feel better?” 

Or, find yourself in a low mood about where you are compared to where you want to be?

Or, maybe you think you’ll never achieve what you want because you don’t do what you say you will? 

I get it. We all have those days.

We all have days where we give up on our goals, get stuck in our heads and can’t see anything but the negative. 

And maybe worse, we all have days where we don’t know how to make ourselves feel better — and get out of our negative mindset and thought spirals.

The good news? You’ve come to the right place to learn how to make yourself feel better right now.

How to Make Yourself Feel Good

Know It’s Normal

The first place to start when you don’t feel good is to remember you’re NOT broken or alone. 

Everyone has negative feelings, low moods and bad days.

Our Brains Are Wired To Focus on The Negative

Science shows our brains are naturally wired to focus on the negative. 

This makes it extremely easy for us to get caught up in negative feelings and thought patterns. 

In fact, without conscious effort and training, our brains will always have a strong bias towards the negative. 

5 Minute Action

The best way to get your brain out of a negative slump is to find a 5-minute action that disrupts your thinking. 

And, the simple tool below will help you do just that.

In fact, it’s a 5-minute action you can do right now to make yourself feel better instantly.

The #1 Tool You Need to Make Yourself Feel Good Right Now

Use this simple tool to feel good about yourself and your life in 5 minutes or less:

Step 1

Imagine it’s 10 years ago.

Now ask yourself what score between 1 and 10 (10 being the best) you’d give different areas of your life 10 years ago.

Use these categories if you like:

  • Mental and emotional health 
  • Physical health 
  • Relationships 
  • Personal life and self-development 
  • Work and professional development 
  • Finances and money 

Step 2

Come back to the present.

Now ask yourself what score between 1 and 10 you’d give to each area of your life now.

Think about everything you have now that you once wished for. Plus, everything you’ve done, experienced and achieved over the past 10 years. 

Celebrate What You’ve Achieved

I’m confident at least one of your scores for this year is higher than 10 years ago — and that progress is worth celebrating!

Celebrate with a high-five to yourself, a pat on the back, by saying, “Woo, go me!” or, by simply smiling to yourself.

Why? Because this personal celebration creates a feel-good emotion — and gives you a positive, proud and motivated feeling. Which makes you feel better instantly.

So, never forget to celebrate how far you’ve come.

Remind Yourself How Far You’ve Come

One reason you often feel low in yourself and frustrated with your life, is that you can’t see the daily progress you’re making towards your dreams and goals. 

So, to feel good, you need to consciously remind yourself of everything you’ve achieved. 

You have to do this proactively so you don’t forget you’re always making progress. In turn, this creates positive emotions that make you feel better — lifting those heavy feelings and negative thoughts.

This is how you change your state from negative to positive — by taking 5 minutes to remind yourself how far you’ve come in different areas of your life and celebrating it!

3 Bonus Tips

Bonus Tip 1

Do you know the food you eat affects your mood? And that eating just a little healthier can make you feel a whole lot better. In fact, a healthy snack right now could instantly lift your mood. So, click here for 10 quick and easy snacks that are good for you.

Bonus Tip 2

Do you know a 10-minute walk can boost your mood and clear a negative thought loop? Click here to learn how — plus 9 other surprising benefits of walking.

Bonus Tip 3

Do you know a key part of your happiness is knowing what you value most in your life? And, once you know what you value, you can use it to improve different areas of your life. Click here to learn how to make yourself happier with the values secret they don’t tell you.

Free Guide

If you enjoyed this post and want to learn 5 more ways to improve your health and happiness, download your Free Guide below.

Don’t Know Where To Start?

If you’re struggling to feel good and see the positives in your life, check out my 1:1 Health & Wellbeing Coaching.

>>> Click here to learn more and register your interest

In summary, my unique 1:1 Coaching Program helps kind, smart and ambitious women, like you, look and feel better for good in just 12 weeks — or your money back. 

Here’s what Ashleigh and Amy say about it:

Ashleigh — “Before I started coaching I was feeling very overwhelmed, anxious and generally unhappy with most things in my life. Struggling to see the positives and focusing solely on the negatives in my life. [Becky’s 12 week coaching experience] has changed everything. I have learnt so much about myself, my personality, how to coach myself, how to stick to a habit, identify the wins and positives in my life, to allow time to myself with no guilt. Healthy boundaries, healthier eating habits. It’s hard to put into words all the positive changes I have had in my life since doing this coaching.”

Amy — “[Before Becky’s coaching experience] I tried talking therapy however this did not coach negative thoughts, it just meant I was talking about them repetitively. [Becky’s approach] looked at all aspects of my life and encouraged me to consider lots of positives not just my negatives! It has made such a positive impact on my life! I’m now able to ‘check’ my overthinking when it starts to show itself, I feel much calmer in my mindset and really focus on the gratitudes I have. And my self confidence has really grown.”

To ensure a tailored-to-you experience, I only work with 12 women at a time. So, don’t miss out! 

>>> Click here to learn more and register your interest

You deserve to feel good.

With love,

Becky x 

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