What’s a Health Coach & Do You Need One? Everything You Need to Know

by Becky Holliday

Are you wondering what a health coach does and if you need one right now?

If so, this post’s for you — it’ll help you learn how a health coach can support and motivate you — so you can decide if working with one is the best thing for you and your health goals right now.

What's a Health Coach Becky Holliday

How a Health Coach Can Help You

Keep reading to learn how a health coach, like me, can help you:

  • Eat healthier, exercise more and feel better mentally, emotionally and physically — in less time than you imagine. 
  • Lose weight for good and ditch all those food rules.
  • Never diet again.
  • Stop cravings, binge eating and emotional stress eating.
  • Create those healthy morning and evening routines you see on Pinterest. 
  • Look and feel good inside and out.
  • Learn how to be healthy without any restrictions, rules or deprivation.
  • Stay on track with — and stick to — your health goals. 
  • Stay inspired and motivated every week.

Let’s Start With Some Questions

Before we dive into what exactly a health coach does, I want to start our conversation by answering some questions together:

  • Do you ever wish you could lose weight for good, ditch all those unhelpful food rules and never diet again?
  • Are you sick of spending money on health, diet and fitness products that never work? 
  • And, do you want to go on holiday this year without worrying about how you’ll look and feel? 

Making Healthy Easy

If you answered yes to any of the questions above — and if you’re anything like me — you know deep down that being healthy and feeling good about yourself shouldn’t have to be so hard. 

That’s why today, I’m sharing with you exactly what I do as a health and nutrition coach — so you can decide if it’s an easier, more enjoyable way for you to reach your health and wellness goals. 

Before I do though…

Let’s Imagine How Good It Could Be 

Just close your eyes for a second and imagine:

  • Losing the weight you haven’t been able to for years — and keeping it off for good? 
  • No longer needing quick fixes — and instead creating a healthy routine you actually enjoy and stick to even when you don’t feel like it? 
  • Finally feeling physically and mentally strong — putting yourself first and no longer hiding who you are or being ashamed of how you look?
  • No longer feeling overwhelmed with everything you need to do to improve your health — and instead, have healthy, simple, joyful habits that give you energy, boost your mood and make you feel good in your own skin?
  • How it’d feel to finally be confident, happy and healthy? To finally feel good about yourself and who you are?

Great. That’s how.

Does It All Sound Too Good to Be True?

I know everything I’ve described might sound too good to be true — but I promise you it isn’t — it’s literally what I’m trained to help people achieve.

In other words, as a health coach, I’m trained to help you make positive changes in your life — whether that’s through food and nutrition, physical activity and exercise, meditation, journalling or other mindset tools — or a combination of these things, I’m trained to help people, just like you, enjoy a healthy, happy and confident life right now — not “someday”. 

What’s a Health Coach?

A health coach is your supportive mentor, encouraging guide and wellness expert who supports and motivates you to reach your health goals by making and sticking to positive health choices and habits.

As a health coach, I ultimately help you feel your best through food, exercise and lifestyle changes — by tailoring nutrition, health and wellness programs to meet your unique personality, needs and lifestyle.

Taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically is critical to creating a life you love — and that is exactly what a health coach like me, can help you do. 

What Does a Health Coach Do?

Without any judgement, as a health and nutrition coach, I help you develop a positive relationship with food, exercise, your body and your mind. 

So you can get rid of food confusion, “bad” behaviours and guilt — and replace them with the confidence you’re doing the right things to reach your goals. 

Using personal experience and research-based tools and practices, I inspire, motivate and guide you to feel your best through personalised nutrition, exercise, mindset and lifestyle changes that work for you and your life.

I always take a holistic approach and see everyone I coach as a whole person. Ensuring you feel seen, heard, understood and truly supported on your journey. 

Through genuine connection, respect and joyful experiences, I help you get both outer (weight loss, glowing skin, clothes that fit better) and inner (beliefs, emotions, self-talk) results.

Results that dramatically change how you feel about yourself, your life, and what you can achieve.

Ultimately, my style of health coaching is all about you.

I focus on what’s most important to you and help you achieve it with small steps, personalised support and continuous encouragement.  

Feeling Good Inside and Out

What I do can also be thought of as personalised mentoring, support and encouragement that empowers people to create healthy habits that last a lifetime and help them feel good inside and out.

Because in my opinion, it’s no good looking amazing on the outside if we don’t feel amazing on the inside too.

For many, this inner game change is the greatest gift of working with a health coach.

Do You Need a Health Coach?

If you want any of the results below, I might be the right health coach for you.

Through simple, practical and actionable steps, I can help you:

  • Learn how to lose weight for good, stop dieting and never look back.
  • Stop cravings, binge eating and emotional stress eating.
  • Learn what to do if you eat large portions, eat out often or eat when not hungry.
  • Find time to prepare and plan meals no matter how busy you are.
  • Find the time and motivation to exercise regularly.
  • Discover ways to improve your mental and emotional health — and stop self-criticism and negative overthinking.
  • Create a healthy mind and healthy body — without overwhelm.
  • Know what to focus on first, second, third etc. for your goals and how to make them joyfully achievable.
  • Stay on track with — and stick to — your health goals.
  • Create simple healthy morning and evening routines you love.
  • Ensure you don’t return to your old routine and “bad” behaviours. 
  • Get the confidence, happiness and health you deserve. 
  • Change your mindset, behaviours and lives.

I’ve seen nutrition, movement, recovery, self-care, and simply living well transform people’s bodies, minds, relationships and lives. And I’d be honoured to help you.

What I Do As a Health Coach

1:1 Online or In Person Coaching and Mentoring 

I offer a program called Eat, Exercise and Feel Beter in 12 weeks — a step-by-step personalised 1:1 coaching experience that’ll help you be happier and healthier for good.

Register your interest here (places are limited).

Weight Loss Programs

Lose weight for good, and improve your physical and mental health, in 30 minutes or less a day with my self-study program.

Register your interest here — and be the first to know when doors open.

Free Health Guide, Weekly Newsletter & Articles

Be inspired, motivated and guided every single week with simple, practical and actionable health and wellness advice through my FREE health guide, newsletter and blog.

Get your Free Health Guide and sign up for my Newsletter here.

Read The Blog here.

One of the Best Things You’ll Ever Do

To be able to do what I do now, I had to focus on and reach many of my own health and wellness goals first, so I understand how hard change is. (I’ve since studied behaviour change so I can confidently work with any mixed feelings or resistance you might have to change.)

I can also wholeheartedly say learning how to make healthy living easy was one of the best things I’ve ever done. So, I truly hope wherever you are on your health and wellness journey, that you can say the same soon. 

Helping You Feel and Look the Way You Want

Ultimately, as a certified health and nutrition coach, I help people, just like you, feel and look the way you want to — by understanding and guiding you to transform your mindset, behaviours, health and life — so you can be the best version of yourself. 

And I love every minute of it.

Personalised Support to Help You Reach Your Health and Wellness Goals

If you’d like to learn more about how I might be able to help you achieve your health goals, register your interest below.

I’ll then be in touch to organise 1-hour of free coaching to help you decide if it’s right for you.

My Health Coaching Values

Finally, just before you go, I want to share a few really important things you should know about me.

As a health coach, I’m always:

  • Kind
  • Respectful
  • Collaborative
  • Curious
  • Open minded
  • Non-judgmental 
  • Honest
  • Empathetic
  • Understanding
  • Good at listening
  • On your side
  • Going to bring coffee 😉

I aim to:

  • Be a source of positive change for you.
  • Set an example of good health and well-being.
  • Give you the freedom to choose what’s right for you.
  • Support and encourage you to better health, happiness and confidence — on your terms.
  • Continue to grow and develop personally and professionally.
  • To create balance in all areas of life — and help you do the same.
  • Always stay humble, down to earth and approachable.
  • Simplifying everything as much as possible.

Most importantly, I believe in you and I’m here to help you win.

With love,

Becky x

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