How to Stop Craving Sweet Things — the Mistakes We Make

by Becky Holliday
How To Stop Craving Sweet Becky Holliday

Learning how to stop craving sweet things might seem impossible but it doesn’t need to be. All you need to know is the secret they don’t tell you.

I’ve been using this simple yet secret tool for years now because it’s the best way I’ve found to curb my cravings. So, keep reading to learn:

  • The #1 secret to stopping your cravings.
  • The 5 mistakes you’re probably making right now.
  • Why celebrating is key to staying motivated.

How to Stop Craving Sweet Things

The Mistakes We Make

Before we dig into how to stop craving sweet things, let’s touch on the 5 mistakes we often make.

Have you ever tried to do any of these things:

  • Tell yourself you’ll no longer eat chocolate after supper.
  • Promise yourself you’ll resist the cakes at work.
  • Stop getting a Twix or Snickers whenever you’re in a shop.
  • Only have a pudding if it’s a special occasion.
  • Stop having sweet things all together.

If so, I admire you for all of these goals — because I know you want to be your best and I can tell you’re determined to make changes in your life. So, before doing anything else, please celebrate your effort.

Celebrate Your Effort So Far

With that said, if you happen to feel deflated right now because you’re no longer doing something you promised yourself you would, you still must celebrate the fact you’re trying.

This is important, so please don’t skip it. 

As proven by science, celebrating releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel more positive and lighter. Plus, it gives you a boost of motivation that helps you keep going. 

So, give yourself a pat on the back. Tell yourself you’re proud for always trying. And know that every bit of effort matters — even if you can’t see it in the moment.

Now you’ve celebrated your effort, let’s talk about why the 5 mistakes above, are holding you back from being your best and doing what you say you’ll do.

The Problem With Trying to Be “Good”

Trying to be 100% “good” and follow strict rules does the opposite of what we hope. Plus, it causes psychological stress. In fact, it’s an overwhelming way of thinking that leads to feelings of guilt when you don’t stick to what you said you will. 

And, instead of stopping cravings, this way of thinking actually increases them. Why? Because you feel deprived. And when you feel deprived, all you want is cake, croissant and caramel latte — right?

So, not only will you feel happier when you stop doing this, but you’re much more likely to succeed — with research showing when you deprive yourself, you’re less likely to stick with something new.

Stop Putting So Much Pressure on Yourself 

When you stop and think about this kind of messaging — always having to be “good” to be healthy — it’s crazy, is it not..?

Firstly, can you truly expect yourself to be “good” — all the time? Can you joyfully stick to goals like these:

  • No chocolate after supper.
  • No cakes at work.
  • No Twix or Snickers whenever you’re in a shop.
  • No pudding unless it’s a special occasion.
  • No sweet things altogether.

Can you consistently stick to them long-term? Because it’s consistency over time that makes the biggest difference to your health and happiness.

Secondly, wouldn’t it be boring? Would it really make you happy? What about your mental and emotional health? 

Not to mention, that your brain and body are designed to want sweet things.

A Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle

Rather than trying to be “good”, with the restrictive goals above, have you thought about creating a healthy, sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle instead?

A lifestyle that gives you the energy you need to look, feel and be your best — all the time.

How do you create this lifestyle? With small habits, you’re happy to do most of the time over the long-term.

Small habits that are much better for you physically, mentally and emotionally.  

Small habits focused on balance, not restriction. 

No quick fixes, rules or deprivation needed.  

The Secret Habit That’ll Help You Stop Craving Sweet Things

This is the daily habit that’ll help you curb your sweet tooth long-term:

Cut Your Sweet Treats in Half

Rather than trying to cut out your favourite treats and stop your sweet cravings altogether, choose to eat half instead.

Imagine how in control you’ll feel.

Imagine no longer feeling deprived. 

Imagine no longer feeling guilty.

For example, what if you:

  • Had 2 chocolate hobnobs rather than 4.
  • Halved your Twix — and saved the rest for tomorrow.
  • Shared that carrot cake with your partner.

Trick Your Mind

Deciding to half your usual portion size of a sweet treat is a fantastic healthy eating trick — that makes a difference both immediately and over time.

Since you’re not saying, “I can’t have that cake” you’re not constantly wanting it because you don’t feel like you’re missing out.

Instead, you’re putting yourself in a powerful position by saying, “I don’t deprive myself of sweet treats, I simply have half of what I fancy.”

And, because you’re not trying to give anything up, you don’t feel deprived. 

Paradoxically, this is how you stop craving sweet treats — by no longer stopping yourself from having them. 

How It Worked For Me

When I started making changes to improve my health and eat better, I was happy cutting my treats in half because I knew I could stick to it long-term without feeling restricted. 

It made me feel in control, it was my choice — and was one of the first steps I took for myself on my health journey. 

So, from experience, I know it works. 

Improving Your Health Long-Term

This approach is all about taking a more moderate, long-term, approach to improving your health. While also thinking about your happiness including the stress deprivation actually puts on your mental, emotional and physical health.

And, yes, I know people who eat half a chocolate bar and put the rest away are annoying — let’s be honest about that! 

But they also have more energy, happiness and self-satisfaction — and some chocolate left for tomorrow ;).

So, if you’re like me and cutting out sweet treats isn’t something you want to do, why not give this simple tip a go and see if it helps stop your cravings (and guilt)? 

Bonus Tip

Deciding to half your sweet treats is a fantastic way to curb sweet cravings and a perfect step on your health journey. 

But it still takes a little willpower and a strong commitment. 

So, please make it as easy as possible for yourself. 

For example, don’t try and eat half of your treat when all of it is in front of you. 

Instead, only give yourself half in the first place. 

In other words, half your cake or chocolate bar before sitting down to enjoy it — and put the rest out of sight to enjoy tomorrow.

What Have You Got to Lose?

What might happen if you tried halving your sweet treats for a week initially? 

Imagine how you’ll feel…

  • In control
  • Less guilty
  • Lighter
  • Happier
  • Healthier
  • Proud of yourself
  • Confident

More Ways to Improve Your Health

Looking for more simple ways to improve your health? Be sure to get your FREE Health Guide now — just enter your name and email below and get instant access to 5 simple tips that’ll improve your health in 5 minutes or less.

You’ve got this — I know you have.

With love,

Becky x

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