How to Stop a Bad Eating Habit (3 Secret Tools You Need to Know)

by Becky Holliday

I’m often told I’ve got a lot of discipline so it’s no wonder I can stop a bad eating habit.  

Discipline isn’t my secret though.

And, if you’re anything like me, I bet you can relate to not having the discipline you wish you had.

But, how do you stop a bad eating habit without it?

My secret is the 3 simple tools I’m sharing with you today. 

So, keep reading to learn:

  • 3 low energy and no-cost tools you need to know to stop your bad eating habit.
  • The reason you don’t need more willpower or discipline.
  • How to stop your bad eating habit without going cold turkey.
  • The one thing you need to do so you don’t have FOMO.
  • What science says about doing less to achieve more. 

Like me, you might think you’ve tried it all, but trust me, you won’t have tried these. 

Bad Eating Habit Blog Post Image Becky Holliday

Your Bad Eating Habit


Before we dig into your 3 simple tools, I want to touch on something important. Please don’t beat yourself up about your bad eating habit.

We all have bad habits. Bad habits that at one time, actually served you. Yes, that’s right. At some point in your past, you developed the habit you’re currently trying to stop, because it helped you move closer to pleasure and away from pain. 

Your body and mind identified the behaviour as helpful at the time because it gave you some release — probably from a negative feeling or experience.

The thing is, we change, and after a certain amount of time, we realise those once-helpful habits are no longer. 

So, have compassion for yourself. Because the opposite of this — self-criticism — never helped anyone (trust me).

Thank yourself for the bad habit that once served you, and realise it’s normal to have habits you outgrow and that no longer benefit you like they once did.


So, be grateful you’ve noticed your bad habit. Because, as they say:

“The first step towards change is awareness.”

Once you’re aware of something, you can start to change it. And since habits make up 45% of your day, being aware of your bad eating habits is a great place to be — because when you swap them for good eating habits it’ll transform your health.

This is why I share below, everything you need to know to stop your bad habits, fast.

How to Stop a Bad Eating Habit

The 3 Secret Tools You Need to Know

Tool #1 — One at a Time

I get it. You, me, and the whole world want to fix everything at once. Whether it’s a bad eating habit, projects at work or personal goals — we want to do all the things. 

But trust me when I say success comes from focusing on one thing at a time. 

So, instead of trying to stop binge eating at the weekends, grabbing a takeaway when you’re tired AND eating less when you’re out for a meal, focus on one bad eating habit at a time.

I promise you’ll see the results you’re after — sooner than you imagine.

When you work on one habit at a time it takes up a lot less mental, emotional and physical energy — so you don’t need additional motivation or discipline to stop your bad habit. 

Plus, research shows changing just one habit, improves other habits and areas of your life automatically — no additional energy, willpower or discipline needed. For example, one study found people who began exercising regularly (and didn’t try changing anything else), automatically started eating healthier and being more productive at work. 

Tool #2 — Find a Replacement

When you have a bad eating habit you want to stop — or any habit — resist the urge to go cold turkey. It takes too much energy, willpower and motivation. And requires far too much discipline.

Plus, because your mind and body don’t know what to do to fill the gap, they’ll convince you to go back to your bad habit. Because it feels safe, easy and comfortable. 

So, instead, replace your bad eating habit with something new, enjoyable and easy to do.

For example, if you’re trying to reduce the number of caramel lattes you drink, replace them with black coffee rather than going cold turkey. Or, if you’re trying to eat fewer takeaways, stock up on frozen pizzas and supermarket-ready “fakeaways”, so you’ve got an easy replacement whenever you get a craving.

Tool #3 — A Time and Place

For some bad habits, a time or place boundary works best. 

This is how I reduced my “too much coffee” habit. If you’re the same with your coffee, try a 10.30 am cut-off like I’ve got. Or, if it’s snacking on junk food, see what happens when you choose not to eat junk food before midday. If it’s too many takeaways, try having them at friend’s houses only.

After experimenting with and using these 3 tools for the past decade, I can tell you they’re the most reliable I’ve found yet for breaking a bad eating habit. 

The most important thing to remember when trying to stop your bad habits is to experiment. 

And, don’t keep trying to stop the same bad eating habit in the same way you always have if it’s not working. If something doesn’t work for you, try a different approach or tool until you find what does. 

Lastly, be patient with yourself. It takes time to change behaviours and find what works. Nothing happens overnight (no matter what social media tells you) and it’s those who develop a long-term view who succeed. 

Now It’s Your Turn to Stop Your Bad Eating Habit

When you commit to one of these powerful, yet simple, tools for a week or two, you’ll stop your bad eating habit sooner than you imagine. And future you will be so happy you did.

So, which of these secret tools are you going to try first? I’d love to know, so please drop me an email at

By using just one of these tools, you’re taking a significant step toward eating healthier, and in turn, improving your health. Because, remember, small steps add up, and over time, give you the results you want. 

More Support

If you want more support breaking your bad eating habits, please join me for 1:1 Personalised Health Coaching. You’ll have someone by your side to believe, support and encourage you to reach your full potential. 

And, you’ll increase your chances of successfully stopping your bad eating habit by 95% (research shows you increase your chances of success by 95% when you work with someone like a coach). Because let’s be honest, change is hard, so it’s always better when you have someone by your side.

And you deserve someone by your side. 

No matter what though, please try one of the 3 tools above to help you stop your bad eating habit. And transform your health, your happiness and how you feel about yourself. 

With love,

Becky x

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