How to Exercise More Consistently 

by Becky Holliday
How to Exercise More Consistently Becky Holliday

Wish you could exercise more consistently? 

You’re not alone.

Women just like you tell me they want to exercise more consistently and build it into their daily and weekly routines. 

I get it. I used to always be tired, busy, or working late too. And even though I knew exercise would make me feel better, I always put it off until tomorrow.

That’s why, in today’s post, I’m sharing how to break free from the guilt and frustration you feel. Because I’ve been there too.

Keep reading and you’ll discover 4 easy ways to exercise more consistently — even when you don’t feel like it.


  • The 10-minute habit that’ll get you exercising consistently (even when you’re not motivated).
  • The best exercise plan to build exercise into your weekly routine.
  • A free tool that doubles your chances of sticking to your exercise plan.
  • One thing you can do to improve your consistency by 95%.

If you’re feeling unmotivated or guilty for not sticking to your exercise routine, or stuck scrolling Pinterest again for your next workout plan, this post’s for you.

4 Ways to Exercise More Consistently

Here’s 4 practical tips to help you build exercise into your routine and stick to it:

Tip #1

If you’re anything like me, when you set an exercise goal, you think: “From next week I’ll do 3 exercise classes and 2 runs.”

Unfortunately, this routine is the opposite of what you need to exercise more consistently.

It takes up a lot of mental, emotional and physical energy, making it nearly impossible to stick with — especially if you’re currently up and down with your routine. 

Why? Because you haven’t created an exercise habit (yet!). 

To create a habit, you need to do the opposite of what you naturally want to do as an ambitious driven woman. You need to do less, not more.

This means, at first, it’s not about doing 30 or 60 minutes a day. It’s about consistently doing 5 to 10 minutes. 

Starting small is how you turn exercise into a habit because consistency creates habit, and doing just 5 minutes makes it easy to be consistent. Plus, prove to yourself you can do it and actually achieve your exercise goals over time.

The Best Exercise Plan

Here’s an example of what your exercise plan might look like initially. 

  • Monday — 10-minute run
  • Tuesday — 5-minute pilates on YouTube
  • Wednesday — 10-minute run
  • Thursday — 7-minute kettlebells on YouTube
  • Friday — 5-minute pilates on YouTube 
  • Saturday — 15-minute walk
  • Sunday — rest

Once you’re consistently doing your initial plan as part of your weekly routine, you then update it — gradually increasing the amount of exercise you do each week until you reach your long-term goals.

Tip #2

Like anything in life you want to achieve — a successful career, saving to buy your dream home, or travelling more — you need to make it a priority. 

And the best way to make this happen is to literally schedule it into your life.

So, go to your iPhone calendar right now. And, decide when and where you’ll exercise, what exactly you’ll do, and create an appointment with yourself to do it. 

For bonus points, make it a recurring appointment — and update it daily/weekly as needed.

Not only does this make you feel more in control, it doubles your chances of success — with research showing 91% of people who planned when and where they’d exercise actually did it, vs those who didn’t. 

Tip #3

A few years ago, I experimented with exercising in the morning and I’ve honestly never looked back.

It’s one of the best things I’ve done to help me exercise more consistently. And I now can’t imagine doing it after work like I used to.

Plus, I have less time to talk myself out of it, get too busy and skip it, or convince myself I’m too tired after work.

I give myself 10 to 15 minutes to wake up by drinking some water and stretching, then do a Les Mills at-home GRIT, Bodybump or Bodybalance class. I used to go to the gym, but now me and my partner, Phil, enjoy working out at home.

If you decide to try at-home workouts too, there’s lots of free YouTube workouts and well-priced fitness apps to choose from! 

Tip #4

Did you know sharing your exercise goal with someone and then reporting your progress with them, increases your chances of success by 95%?

Whether your accountability partner of choice is a friend, colleague or coach, tell me why you wouldn’t get one if you truly want to reach your health goals this year.

And if you want my help, join the waitlist now for my 1:1 Health Coaching — I’ll let you know as soon as a space opens up.


Want to learn 15 more easy ways to improve your health and wellbeing right now? Get your Free 5-Step Health Guide below. It’ll help you create healthy habits you’ll stick to no matter how tired, busy or unmotivated you feel.


If you want to practically guarantee you’ll stick to your new exercise plan and achieve your goals this year (or your money back), invest in yourself with 1:1 Health Coaching

In just 12 weeks, I’ve helped women like you, create long-term healthy habits they love and stick to consistently. Plus, transform how they look and feel every single day. 

It’s time to put yourself first –> Learn more here and join the waitlist now.

Now, it’s over to you. What tips will you try to help you learn how to exercise more consistently? Will you start with 5 minutes a day until exercise becomes a habit? Do you like the idea of scheduling a morning workout in your calendar? Or, maybe you’ve decided to work with me or someone else you know to guarantee you’ll do it this time? 

You’ve got this.

Sending lots of encouragement,

Becky x

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