How To Eat Healthy Out & About — 12 Tips You’ll Love

by Becky Holliday
How to Eat Healthy Out Becky Holliday

Does eating out leave you feeling guilty and wondering how to eat healthy like you said you would?

We’ve all been there. But eating out — with family and friends, a Saturday coffee and cake with your partner, and meals on holiday — doesn’t mean you can’t be healthy and still enjoy yourself.

In fact, with the right mindset and simple habits, you’ll make great choices anywhere. Choices that make you feel good, not deprived.

Let me show you how. 

Keep reading to learn:

  • 12 habits to help you eat healthier (without others thinking you’re boring or antisocial).
  • How to have your cake and eat it too — literally!
  • The best tricks for eating as healthily as you say you will when eating out.
  • Great choices to make when eating out to always feel good about yourself.
  • Enjoy yourself without overeating or feeling guilty later.
  • The secret healthy people don’t tell you.

How to Eat Healthy When Eating Out

If you’re anything like me, I know you LOVE eating out. Which can make it easy to give in to temptation and overindulge — no matter what you say to yourself beforehand. 

But trust me, you don’t have to choose between enjoying social events and eating as healthily as you want. All it takes is small tweaks in what you do and aiming for good enough — never perfection.

The best bit? You’ll no longer wonder why you can’t stick to what you say you’ll do. Or, why you’re not as disciplined or motivated as “that girl”. 

Instead, you’ll feel in control — like you’ve always wanted to be. You’ll be proud of making the choices you say you will. And you’ll be the person you imagine in your head — the best version of YOU.

With that said, keep reading to learn 12 simple habits to eat healthy when out. They’ll help you stick to your health goals in your favourite pub, local cafes and next holiday to New York or Croatia.

12 Ways to Eat Healthier When You’re Out & About:

  1. Change Your Mindset: Adopt a mindset that focuses on long-term benefits. This long-term view is the secret successful people don’t tell you. It’s about imagining who you could be in a year or two, then choosing sustainable consistent habits you’re happy to do both now and in future.
  2. Plan Ahead: If you know you’re going for a meal, look at the menu beforehand and decide what to have. This helps your current self make better choices than your future, less motivated self ;). Helping you avoid spur-of-the-moment decisions that can lead to guilt. 
  3. Share or Halve Sweet Treats: If you’re craving something sweet, suggest sharing dessert with your partner or friend. Or, decide to eat half your cake and ask for a box to take the rest home to enjoy tomorrow. Since the first few bites are the best, with this tip, you enjoy the flavour and satisfy your craving without overeating.
  4. Eat Mindfully: Use a teaspoon for desserts — you feel so much more in control. And, if everyone else is having a dessert but you don’t want one, let them know you’re full. And instead, choose a hot drink — especially if you’re worried people will think you’re boring. Or, if they’re trying to persuade you to have something!
  5. Set Boundaries: Decide in advance if you’ll have a starter or dessert, but not both — tell others you get too full these days when you have 3 courses. If you have a starter or pudding, balance it by choosing a healthier main course, like grilled chicken or fish with vegetables — and yes, a few chips are fine! Or, if you’re having cake and coffee, choose a black coffee rather than a latte. For me, when I have cake, I choose a simple drink such as black coffee. If I’m not having a cake, I’ll have a fancier drink like a flat white or cappuccino.
  6. Be Sauce-Savvy: Choose tomato-based sauces over creamy ones. And, ask for dressings, gravy and cream on the side so you can control how much you use. Say to others you love sauces but not when it’s poured over everything or your desserts drowning in cream.
  7. Healthy Habits: If you’re heading to an event where you know there’ll be limited healthy options, eat a balanced meal or substantial snack beforehand.
  8. Start Your Day Right: A nutritious breakfast is key, especially if you’re attending a wedding, eating out on holiday or during a weekend away. It sets the tone for your day, increases your chance of making better choices later, and reduces cravings.
  9. Fill Up on Good Stuff: At a buffet, start by filling your plate with healthier options like salads, veg, lean protein (beef, chicken, pork, fish, beans, hummus, Greek yoghurt) and complex carbs (oats, rice, pasta, wholemeal/brown bread, sourdough bread). This will make it easier to eat less high-calorie snacks (crisps, cakes, puddings). Plus, keeps you feeling satisfied longer.
  10. Stay Hydrated: Carry a water bottle with you, especially on holiday or days away. Staying hydrated helps curb hunger, reduces overeating and keeps your energy levels stable.
  11. Keep Moving: Whether you’re on holiday or out for the day, find ways to stay active. Explore where you are on foot, hire a bike, take the stairs, or go for a morning walk. Movement helps balance out any indulgences and makes you feel good.
  12. Enjoy Indulging: If it’s a special occasion, or once or twice a week, consciously choose ahead of time to eat whatever you want. And fully enjoy every bite without guilt or thinking you shouldn’t be eating it. Then go back to the healthy eating you enjoy tomorrow.

Your Turn

Remember, the goal isn’t perfection — it’s creating mindful balanced habits to make healthy eating easy, even when you’re out and about.

Now you know how to eat healthy eating out, my advice is to choose one of these tips at a time. Try it, and see if it works for you. If it does, keep doing it — then add another habit to your toolkit. 

And, if after a few tries you decide a habit isn’t for you, let it go without judgement, and choose another to try.

Over time and with experimentation, you’ll learn which tips work for you and which don’t. And you’ll look up in a year or so, and be so proud of how far you’ve come.

Plus you’ll feel strong and in control, knowing you can do one of your favourite things (eating out with the people you love most) — while also being “that girl” you want to be.

So, which tip will you try first?

Personalised Help & Support

Ready to start eating healthier but overwhelmed with everything you need to do? Imagine having personalised support, guidance and encouragement tailored to YOU.

With my 1:1 health coaching, you’ll not only master how to eat healthy out and about, but you’ll also learn how to create sustainable healthy habits that fit your lifestyle. 

Whether you’re eating at your favourite put, attending a wedding, or just navigating daily life, I’ll be there to help you make choices that leave you feeling in control and motivated. 

If you’re ready to feel your best and take control of your health, join my waiting list today. Spots are limited, so click here to be the first to know when a slot opens — and get the health and happiness you want in just 12 weeks.

Your Free Health Guide

Ready to kickstart your journey to better health? I’ve created a simple 5-step health guide to help you make changes that fit seamlessly into your busy life. 

Whether you’re looking to boost your energy, improve your eating habits, or simply feel more confident in your daily choices, this guide is for YOU. 

Enter your name and email below to get instant access. It’s time to become a healthier, happier you — so be sure to download your free guide now.

I believe in you and know you’ll become the person you so want to be. So, keep going. Keep trying. Because in less time than you think, you’ll look back and be so proud of who you’ve become.

With love and encouragement,

Becky x

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