The #1 Reason You Feel Tired — That’s Easy to Fix

by Becky Holliday
Feel Tired Becky Holliday

Do you always feel tired?

While there are a million and one things you could do to stop feeling sluggish and have more energy, I’m sharing the ONE thing that’ll make the biggest difference.

So, keep reading to discover an easy fix for your tiredness, plus:

  • The trick to boost your energy in just 5 minutes.
  • A simple solution to wake up without feeling sluggish
  • A tiredness fix that improves your skin, reduces the signs of ageing and helps you better manage your weight — pus 17 more mental and physical health benefits. 
  • Learn the #1 nutrient your brain and body need to function at their best — and 7 healthy habits to get more of it.
  • The easiest way to stop feeling tired every day.

Most importantly, it’s something you can do right now for free. 

So, if you’re ready to stop feeling tired and start being your best, read this post now.

The Reason You Feel Tired

Pop quiz time…

Do you know 60% of your body and 80% of your brain is water? And the slightest dehydration negatively impacts how they feel and function. 

In fact, just 3% dehydration can make you tired, sluggish and fuzzy-headed.

The #1 Nutrient You Need For Energy

Do you know every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to function at their best? 

In fact, water powers every chemical reaction in you. Making it a vital nutrient and energy source.

So, the more water you drink, the better every process in your brain and body performs. Which gives you more energy and vitality to do what you said you’d do.

The Easy & Cheap Instant Fix

The thing is, most of us aren’t drinking enough water.

With that said, please stop reading this post and drink some water — be sure to come back through 🙃.

Better than that, create a habit of drinking a glass of water whenever you feel slightly tired or sluggish.

Especially since it’s one of the simplest, easiest and cheapest things you can do to boost your energy and improve your mental and physical health

One study has even proved that the positive benefits of water can be felt within 5 minutes of drinking it.

The Benefits

Here’s MORE benefits you’ll feel from drinking water.

It improves your:

  • Ability to maintain high energy and feel good all day.
  • Overall health, wellbeing and zest for life.
  • Mood and outlook.
  • Mind’s ability to think, focus and perform at its best.
  • Cognitive performance, mental clarity and ability to think straight.
  • Metabolism and fat burning (one study showed a 30% increase after drinking just 500ml of water).
  • Ability to lose and manage your weight.
  • Gut health and digestion. 
  • Skin — helping to keep it clear and glowing.
  • Body’s ability to remove toxins and transport minerals and vitamins — plus protect itself against cancer and heart disease.

It reduces:

  • Sleepiness, tiredness and fatigue.
  • How sluggish you feel in the morning.
  • Brain fog and your mind going blank.
  • Headaches, migraines and lightheadedness.
  • Food cravings, appetite and overeating.
  • Bloating, fluid retention and puffiness.
  • The effects of ageing — like wrinkles, dull skin and even weight gain.

How to Feel Less Tried

To feel better and boost your energy every day, choose water over other beverages — and aim to drink five to eight glasses (1 to 2 litres) a day — you’ll feel different immediately. And, yes, tap water is perfectly fine.

Here’s 7 healthy habits that’ll help you drink more water:

  1. Drink a glass or two as soon as you wake up.
  2. Fill a bottle each morning and keep it with you all day — or always have a glass on your desk.
  3. Have a glass before every meal.
  4. Sip a glass before bed.
  5. Take a refillable bottle with you wherever you go (and ask cafes and restaurants to refill it for you if needed).
  6. Have a glass after each cup of caffeinated coffee or green and black tea.
  7. Swap some of your coffee for caffeine-free herbal teas such as peppermint, ginger or my favourite: Rooibos Green Tea.

Trust me, you’ll become so used to drinking water regularly it’ll feel strange when you don’t have some with you. 

Also, be sure to sip your water rather than gulp it, so you don’t need the bathroom every 15 minutes 😅. And don’t wait until you’re thirsty to grab some — it’s your body’s telling you it’s already dehydrated. Instead, choose one or two tips above and create the habit of drinking more water regularly throughout your day.


Want to learn more ways to stop feeling tired and boost your energy? Download your free 5-step health guide here –>

You’ll learn 5 simple habits you can do in 5 minutes or less to improve your health and happiness. Enter your name and email below to get instant access. 


Ready to feel your best every day? To be as happy and healthy as you want to be? 

I offer 1:1 personalised coaching to help you reach your health goals and feel better in just 12 weeks. Places are limited, so join the waitlist to be first to know when a spot opens –>

ONE simple change can make a big difference to your health and happiness. So, which simple and healthy habit will you try today to help you drink more water and boost your energy? Your mind and body will thank you for it. 


Becky x

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