“How to Increase My Energy Level” — Try This NOW

by Becky Holliday

Want to learn how to increase your energy level in 2 minutes?

In this post, I’m giving you the best hack to increase your energy levels fast. 

Give this fast, free and fun energy booster a go! 

How to Increase My Energy Level Becky Holliday

How to Increase My Energy Level

I know how discouraging it is to have low mood and low energy days, but I promise you it doesn’t have to be that way. Chances are that you just need a little mid-morning or afternoon boost. 

So, if you’re always asking, wishing you knew how to increase your energy levels, keep reading to learn:

  • The best hack to increase your energy levels in less than 5 minutes (I wish I’d known this years ago).
  • The #1 reason you’re low on energy and how to fix it — particularly if you work at a desk most of the day.
  • My favourite answer to, “How to increase your energy levels?”
  • 3 steps to increase your energy right now.
  • Why working at a desk all day affects your energy level.

Use this energy-boosting hack as often as you need each day (it’s especially great if you work from home) to give yourself the energy you need to do what you said you would. 

Always Low on Energy?

Do you ask yourself more times than you’d like to admit, “How can I increase my energy level?”

If so, it’s honestly not a surprise, especially if you work at a desk most of your day. 

Keeping your energy levels high throughout the day is a challenging thing to manage.

It can also vary widely depending on how much water you’ve drank, what you’ve eaten, and how much sleep you’ve had. Plus, many other lifestyle factors, including your exercise routine. (I’m giving away a free Health Guide at the bottom of this post that’ll help you improve these lifestyle factors in 5 minutes or less a day.)

Nevertheless, increasing your energy at a moment’s notice is achievable — and much quicker and easier than you might think.

Why Do You Feel Tired At Your Desk?

As humans, we’re designed to move.

In the past (and when I say past, I mean way back when we had to hunt for food), we moved our bodies most of the day. Which, counterintuitively, gave us much more energy than sitting at a desk all day. 

Because, when you move your body, it boosts the transfer of energy between your cells. 

In other words, when we move, it creates a physical vibration in our body, leading to an actual increase in energy.

When we sit for prolonged periods, our cells don’t need the same transfer of energy. So, we don’t get that same internal vibration. 

This causes our bodies to literally be low on energy. 

It’s simply the natural nature of our bodies. 

Increasing Your Energy Level

So, the answer to your question, “How to increase my energy level?”, is to move your body.

Easier said than done, though, especially when you’re low on energy — right?

Don’t worry I’m here to make it much easier for you.

How I Increase My Energy Level — A Personal Story

I recently went to the best party.

And, believe it or not, I was on my own — in my kitchen.

In fact, I was sitting at my desk when I started to feel low on energy, motivation and focus. And that’s when the party started.

I asked Alexa to play Taylor Swift, got up from my desk, and then danced like no one was watching — because they weren’t.

And you know what? After a few minutes of dancing, I was psyched and energised to work again. And as a bonus, I came up with the idea to write this post. 

An energy boost plus a creative idea — not bad for a quick dance party at home.

The fact that we have more control over our energy levels than we think is something I wish I learnt years ago. As it changed everything for me. 

So, next time you feel low on energy, motivation or focus, have a dance party for yourself. 

And feel your energy level increase in less than 5 minutes. 

3-Step Energy Booster

Increase your energy level fast by following these 3 steps right now: 

  • Stand up
  • Play upbeat music
  • Dance like no one’s watching

​Alternatively, think of it like this:

upbeat music + solo dance = energy boost

Why not give it a go right now?

Life doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Schedule some fun into your day and increase your energy level at the same time.

Free Health Guide to Increase Your Energy All Day Long

Get your free Health Guide below — and learn 5 things that’ll transform your health (and therefore energy) in 5 minutes or less.

If you want to learn more of my 5-minute hacks to more energy all day long, click this link to learn to join the waitlist for my 1:1 Personalised Health Coaching -> beckyholliday.com/personal-health-coaching.

It’ll increase your overall energy — for good — in just 12 weeks. 

Increase Your Energy Level Now

If you’re always asking yourself, “How can I increase my energy level?” — this is how.

So, please don’t dismiss it until you’ve tried it — especially if you work from home. 

It’s helped me A LOT, and I know it’ll do the same for you if you give it a go. 

You’re far too important to be constantly held back by low energy. So, get up and move your body — you’ll be glad you did.

With love,

Becky x

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