How to Find More Energy (The #1 Best Way)

by Becky Holliday

Wondering how to find more energy instantly? You’re in luck.

Today, I’m sharing the #1 best way to find more energy right now. 

So keep reading to learn:

  • The reasons you’re low on energy.
  • The #1 way to get more energy naturally.
  • How to get more energy in 5 minutes or less.
  • 10 simple and inexpensive ways to find more energy right now.
  • Why your mind doesn’t procrastinate on small actions.
How To Find More Energy Blog Post Image Becky Holliday

How to Find More Energy

Why Am I Low On Energy?

Being low on energy is something most of us feel from time to time.

And whether it’s something you experience regularly or just every so often, it’s likely multiple things will be contributing to it.

For example:

  • Your nutrition might not be giving your mind and body what they need to function at their best. (Learn how to improve your nutrition here.)
  • You may need to drink more water.
  • You might not be getting enough high-quality sleep.
  • You may need to take that holiday to Tenerife or Croatia to fully rest and recharge.
  • And, if your stress levels are high, you might need to find some ways to manage them better.

A Common Reason for Low Energy

In addition to the list above, a common reason for low energy, in many of us, is that we’re not moving our bodies enough throughout the day.

This is good news because compared to some of the other reasons for low energy, there’s a quick and easy fix for moving our bodies more.

Don’t believe me? Keep reading to learn what it is :).

The #1 Best Way to Find More Energy 

All you have to do to find more energy is to move your body for at least 5 minutes. This tells your cells you’re alive, gets your blood pumping and makes you feel good — which all contribute to increased energy. 

What’s great about this energy fix is that moving your body is something you can do anywhere you are. Whether that’s at home, in the office, on a plane, or at Starbucks.

And it doesn’t have to cost you anything. 

Plus, it’s completely natural — no expensive health powders or vitamins needed.

Lastly, it can be done in 5 minutes or less. Which has a few benefits:

Benefit #1 

Your mind likes 5-minute actions — so you’re not likely to resist or procrastinate on them.

Benefit #2

Most of us can find 5 minutes, no matter how busy we are or what we’ve got on. Especially if we know it’s going to give us an energy boost.

Benefit #3

A 5-minute action doesn’t overwhelm our minds and doesn’t feel like too much effort — so your mind and body are likely to do it over trying to find an excuse not to!

What Doesn’t Work?

Before we move on to 10 things you can do in 5 minutes or less to get more energy, let’s quickly cover what doesn’t work.

3 Things That Drain Your Energy


For this one, I get it — trust me.

For years, whenever I felt a slump in my energy levels, I had coffee. 

But then I learnt it gives you an energy spike, before a crash. This then leads to you wanting another coffee — and another and another!

Plus, I also learnt, that when you have a coffee after noon it affects the quality of your sleep.

So, I now drink coffee not for an energy fix but simply because I love it. And to protect my sleep I aim not to drink it after 11 am.

Your Phone

Something we can find ourselves doing when we’re feeling low on energy is taking a break from work by going on our phones.

However, this doesn’t give our minds or bodies the break they need — which in turn doesn’t give us the energy we hoped for. 

Plus, we’re often sitting down when we’re on our phones. 

So, if you can, give your mind a vacation and choose one of the simple 5-minute energy boosters below instead.

If you must go on your phone, why not get up and work around your house or garden at the same time?

These days, I have a “rule” of not sitting down when I’m on my phone — which is a great way to keep my energy levels up.

Sugar Fixes

When we’re low on energy, our bodies often crave sugar as a quick energy boost. But as with caffeine, this gives you an energy spike before a crash. Following which — yep you guessed it — you want more sugar.

So, if you do find yourself needing some food to boost your energy levels, why not try one of these quick and easy healthy snacks instead? They’ll all give you an energy boost that lasts for hours — without the crash.

10 Ways To Find More Energy in 5 Minutes or Less

Here are 10 quick ways to find more energy instantly by moving your body:

  1. Play some Taylor Swift or upbeat pop, and dance around your kitchen.
  2. Step outside and go for a 5-minute walk.
  3. Do 20 jumping jacks.
  4. Take 5 minutes to stretch — you can do this either standing up or sitting.
  5. Kill two birds with one stone by tidying up or cleaning — whether that’s organising your desk, emptying your dishwasher or hoovering your sitting room!
  6. Play with your dog — she’ll love you for it too.
  7. Make a cupper and take it outside while you wander around your garden.
  8. For every 50 minutes, you’re at your desk, have 10 minutes away from it.
  9. Walk and talk — call someone for a quick chat and don’t sit down.
  10. If you’re reading a book or something on screen, pick it up and walk and read.

There you have it, the #1 best way to find energy — move your body. And 10 simple ways to do so in 5 minutes or less.

Which one will you try?

Looking For More Ways To Move Your Body?

You’ll love these posts:

Make Being Healthy Simple

I often think everyone is making healthy sound more complicated than it needs to be. But I promise you, it really doesn’t have to be.

As I’m sure you’ll agree, all of the tips above are quick and simple — yet they all give you the energy boost you’re looking for.

As a bonus, all of them will also clear your mind and improve your mood.

All of that, for just 5 minutes of moving your body.

That’s a big win in my eyes. What do you think?

More Simple Habits You Can Do In 5 Minutes or Less

If you’d like to learn more simple habits to improve your health, be sure to download your free health guide below.

Just enter your name and email to get instant access to 5 more healthy habits.

Wishing you lots of good energy today and always.

With love,

Becky x 

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