Unbelievably Quick Overnight Oats Recipe — Plus 5 Easy Ways to Make Yours Even Healthier

by Becky Holliday
overnight oats recipe Becky Holliday

Looking for a quick, tasty and healthy breakfast?

Make this overnight oats recipe in 6 minutes — have your breakfast sorted for the next 3 mornings — AND feel productive, efficient and organised. 

Since it’s the perfect breakfast all year round, I have it most mornings — and I’m not sure what I used to do before it! 

So, keep reading to learn the 3 ingredients you need to make this amazing overnight oats recipe. Plus:

  • Why this recipe meets all your nutritional needs (especially as you age) — plus boosts your energy and mood.
  • 12 mental and physical health benefits of the easiest breakfast you’ll ever make — including weight management and less brain fog. 
  • 8 nutritious toppings to supercharge your oats and reduce the signs of ageing.
  • 5 surprisingly simple ways to 10x the health benefits of your overnight oats — so you can look and feel even better.
  • The reason this simple breakfast makes being healthy easy and helps you do what you say you will.

The Best Version of You Every Morning

Since breakfast literally breaks your fast after a night’s sleep, making it healthy and nutritious is essential to kick-start your mind and body.

Breakfast should give you the fuel you need to be the best version of YOU — and live your best life.

And, long-lasting fuel is exactly what this overnight oats recipe gives you. Thanks to these 3 simple yet nutritious ingredients. 

#1 — Oats

Full of filling fibre, slow-release energy (say goodbye to cravings and 10am slumps), and vitamins and minerals including iron and vitamin B1 (both essential for energy production), oats are wonderfully nutritious complex carbohydrates.

I love Aldi’s wholegrain porridge oats — but any oats work. Just check labels for 100% oats (no added sugar or salt).

#2 — Flaxseeds

A miracle food, flaxseeds are proven to reduce the risk of cancer, high blood pressure and even weight gain. Full of antioxidants (which reduce the signs of ageing, and the risk of cell damage and disease), protein, fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, and vital vitamins and minerals, a tablespoon a day is recommended.

Also known as Linseeds, I get them at Aldi or here — and store them in the fridge.

#3 — Milk

Reduce tiredness and fatigue with this nutrient-dense dairy product full of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Including B12, magnesium, and vitamin D which many of us can be deficient in. 

Go for full-fat versions since low-fat ones lose healthy fat and other nutrients during processing.

Try milk alternatives, like almond, oat and soya, too. They often have added vitamins and minerals to boost your nutrition. Just check labels for no added sugar or salt.

The Benefits

Here’s 12 health benefits of eating healthy carbs, fats and proteins for breakfast:

  • Improves mood and brain function
  • Weight loss and maintenance 
  • Improves skin, teeth, hair and nails
  • Feel satisfied and fuller for longer after eating
  • Helps curb junk food cravings
  • Improves digestion and immunity
  • Absorb essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants better for optimum health
  • Builds and repairs muscles and bones
  • Reduces the risk of chronic disease
  • Improves your sleep quality
  • Regulates body temperature

The 3 Ingredient Overnight Oats Recipe

To make these super healthy yet simple overnight oats, mix the ingredients below in a bowl, cover and put in the fridge overnight.

  • 1/4 cup of oats
  • 1/4 cup of milk
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of flaxseeds

Overnight Oats Meal Prep

Since overnight oats last 4- 5 days in the fridge — I always make at least 3 days worth for myself and my partner Phil.

A twice-weekly evening habit of making 3 to 4 days of overnight oats guarantees you’ll eat a healthy breakfast no matter what. No matter how tired, busy or unmotivated you feel. 

8 Nutritious Overnight Oat Toppings

In the morning add some of these toppings to make it your own — and boost its benefits even more!

  1. Greek or Skyr yoghurt — a great source of protein and vitamin B12 — I suggest Authentic (more protein) over Greek-style — skip flavoured too as they usually have added sugar
  2. Berries — a superfood that’ll 10x your antioxidant and vitamin intake — buy frozen to save money and waste — just pop some in the fridge the night before to defrost 
  3. Banana — provides you with instant yet sustained energy, improved blood sugar levels, and even supports post-exercise recovery
  4. Nuts & Seeds — a small handful a day is proven to increase your life span by 2 years by reducing your risk of premature disease and death
  5. Cinnamon — half a teaspoon increases your antioxidant intake by 600%! 
  6. Honey — especially manuka (try Aldi for a well-priced one) — supports gut health, boosts immunity and is anti-bacterial
  7. Maple Syrup — boosts immunity, is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory — check labels for 100% pure maple syrup with no added ingredients
  8. Bee Pollen — provides allergy relief, an energy boost, mental clarity and even helps with weight management

5 Simple Ways to Make Your Overnight Oats Even Healthier

Add one or more of these ingredients to your overnight oats when making them and 10x the health benefits:

  1. 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Alma Powder — dried Indian gooseberries — the most antioxidant-rich food on Earth — I get mine here
  2. 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Maca Powder — taken from the root of an Andes Mountains plant — it’s thought to reduce stress, and improve energy levels, mood, cognitive function and even libido! — I get mine here
  3. 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of Protein Powder — try to find one with clean ingredients and no added sugar or sweetener — my favourite
  4. Chia Seeds — a fantastic source of antioxidants, protein, omega-3 fat and fibre (keeps you fuller for longer) — also full of iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, to improve bone strength — I get mine at Aldi or here
  5. Peanut or Almond Butter — a great source of healthy fat and protein (check for no added oil, salt or sugar) –> I buy Aldi’s 100% nuts version


Want to learn more 5-minute habits to improve your health and wellbeing? This simple guide will help you boost your energy, so always do what you say you will and look and feel better.


Ready to take back control of your health, happiness and energy? Check out my 1:1 Health Coaching. In just 12 weeks, this experience will transform how you look and feel — whether you want to lose weight, look good in your clothes again, start liking how you look, create a healthy morning routine, or start putting yourself first. Learn more here and join the waitlist now.

Your health and happiness matter — and you’ve got the power to create both in your life. Start with small steps — like a healthy breakfast. And I promise, they’ll add up over time to give you everything you want. 

With love and encouragement,

Becky x

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